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Building Control fees and charges

A Building Control charge is due when a Building Regulations application is made, either a with an Application for building control approval with full plans or a Building Notice application.

If you apply online for your Building Regulations approval, we will automatically calculate the fee payable.

Apply online

For more complex applications, you can print off and complete our Building Regulations application form, and you will need to calculate the charge payable yourself. Tables A to C detail the fees for different types of work.

Table A - New Dwellings (to 250m²)

Number of dwellingsChargeVATTotal

Table A Notes: New dwellings over 250m2 in floor area or over 5no. dwellings - please contact us for advice.

Table B - Works to domestic buildings

Type of workChargeVATTotal
Garages and car ports to 40m²£200£40£240
Garages and car ports from 40m² to 60m²£340£68£408
Extensions to 10m²£400£80£480
Extensions from 10m² to 40m²£500£100£600
Extensions from 40m² to 60m²£630£126£756
Extensions from 60m² to 80m²£690£138£828
Conversion of garage into living accommodation£280£56£336
Renovation of a thermal element£155£31£186
Replacement windows£155£31£186
Installation of wood burner£210£42£252
Electrical work - (Non Competent Persons Scheme)£450£90£540
Insertion of one supporting beam£175£35£210
Insertion of two supporting beam£240£48£288
Insertion of three supporting beam£300£60£360
Loft Conversions up to 40m²£450£90£540
Loft Conversions over 40m²£560£112£672

Note: If you are submitting an application for an extension and a loft conversion the charge for the loft conversion will be reduced by 50%.

For all other work to dwellings, please see Table C.

Table B Notes

  1. Reference to 'floor area' relates to the total internal floor area of all storeys.
  2. Where more than one extension is proposed, the floor areas can be added together to determine the charge.
  3. Some alterations to existing buildings, to improve facilities for the disabled, are exempt from Building Regulations charges. Please contact us for details and advice.
  4. For extensions over 80m², please contact us for advice and a specific quote.

Table C - All Other Building Work

Total estimated cost of the worksChargeVATTotal
£0 to £1000£175£35£210
£1,001 to £2,000£240£48£288
£2,001 to £5,000£300£60£360
£5,001 to £10,000£360£72£432
£10,001 to £15,000£405£81£486
£15,001 to £20,000£465£93£558
£20,001 to £30,000£540£108£648
£30,001 to £40,000£610£122£732
£40,001 to £50,000£700£140£840

For projects with an estimated cost over £50,000 please contact us for advice.

Table C Notes

  1. Please enclose a written estimate of the cost of work with your application. We may request a more detailed estimate, to justify any plan charge submitted.
  2. For replacement windows in non-domestic buildings, please contact us for a specific quote.
  3. 'Total estimated cost' means a reasonable estimate that would be charged by a professional builder, but excluding professional fees (architects'/surveyors') and VAT. We cannot accept DIY estimates.
  4. Some alterations to existing buildings, to improve facilities for the disabled, are exempt from Building Regulations charges. Please contact us for details and advice.

Other Charges

Some Building Control services require research into historic files, to provide copies of archived documents. You should request these services, and we will respond, by email or in writing only. A minimum charge of £50  applies for searching and providing copies of the following historic documents:

  • Building Regulations approval 
  • Conditional Approval/Approval with Requirements
  • Rejection notices
  • Completion certificates

B&NES Building Control charges are fixed under the terms of our latest Scheme of Charges. Contact the Building Control Section if you need further information about fees and charges.